
PLEASE READ THIS—> Everything around you… EVERYTHING you see was designed created and built by someone...

PLEASE READ THIS—> Everything around you… EVERYTHING you see was designed created and built by someone...

Chase Jarvis
PLEASE READ THIS—> Everything around you… EVERYTHING you see was designed created and built by someone like you. Not more talented, not more deserved than you are. The likely small difference therefore between them and you ie what they’re doing and you’re not doing - is they have decided to cultivate their mindset (thoughts) and that they have employed and handful of simple but powerful daily actions that reflect their thoughts.
The rules in business and in life… whether we like it or not…were put in place by people trying to organize the world the way THEY see it…not the way it “IS”. And a consistent character I see revealed in the happiest people and the most successful people - whatever your definition of success is Is that they have come to understand that what they want is just waiting for them at the end of a road of hard work and focus. There is no mystery. Only vision and work and repeating that with a joyful and grateful attitude along the way.

Most successful artists and entrepreneurs I know have simply cultivated some strong mindset, mastered a small set of skills and have learned to play beyond our cultures fake constructs of who’s in and who’s not. Of what works and what doesn’t. Of why something is and something isn’t. And at the end of the day… All that is up to you. You have the ability to change your reality -and in doing so affect the reality of all those around you

… So keep this in mind. Good luck and get back to work. Love, Chase




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Josefina Bietti




Josefina Bietti