Tips & Tricks

The Most Important Photography Gear You've Never Thought to Buy

The Most Important Photography Gear You've Never Thought to Buy

Photography Talk


When it comes to photography gear, there's certainly a lot of stuff you can buy.

But the question is, what gear should you buy?

Obviously, you need a camera. You need lenses, too.

And everyone probably knows the value of having a good tripod as well.

Those are sort of the "big boys" of photography gear.

But there's another thing that all photographers should buy, but that many seem to neglect...

A good camera strap.

Here's why a good camera is so important.

Traditional Camera Straps are Uncomfortable

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If you've ever spent any amount of time carrying your camera by using the camera strap that came with it, you know how uncomfortable they are.

Canon, Nikon, Sony, and other camera manufacturers are just that - camera manufacturers.

The gear they put out is great, but the shoulder straps they throw in with their cameras are not.

Not only are they not padded well, but the strap itself is quite thin. That means that a smaller area of your shoulder or neck has to bear all the weight of your camera and lens.

That only leads to fatigue faster...

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Traditional Camera Straps are Flimsy

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When I started out in photography, I went through several traditional camera straps in a row before I finally got the picture and realized I needed something with more heft.

Normal camera straps aren't designed to last all that long, so you'll find that if you use it for long enough, it'll start to fray, what little padding there is will become more compressed, and it'll become even more uncomfortable to use than it was to begin with.

What's more, these straps are incredibly easy to cut - something that would-be thieves count on when they see a photographer sporting a strap that says Canon or Nikon in huge letters across the back...

Just one slice of a knife and you will find that your camera might be gone for good.

Traditional Camera Straps Aren't User-Friendly

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Another reason why normal camera straps are so bad is that they are simply not conducive to taking quick shots.

If you're carrying your camera on your shoulder, you have to take the camera off your shoulder before raising your camera to your eye because normal straps don't offer enough length to reach from your shoulder to your eye - at least not comfortably.

If you're carrying your camera on your neck, you can more easily raise your camera to your eye for a quick shot, but when you're just walking around, your camera bounces against your chest with every step you take.

And when you want to put your camera on a tripod, the strap flops around, getting in the way as you set up and catching the breeze as the camera is on the tripod, which can cause enough vibration to result in a blurry photo.

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Traditional Camera Straps are Ugly

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Okay, okay, so how pretty a camera strap is isn't going to impact its usefulness, but still...

Traditional camera straps are just plain ugly, with no thought of form or aesthetics.

And as I noted above, they aren't all that functional, either, so you get a strap that doesn't work well and is ugly. It's a double whammy!

Get a Better Camera Strap

The solution to all your problems is to get a high-quality camera strap.

And for my money, that means getting a Holdfast MoneyMaker.

I'm really not the type to gush over gear, but believe me when I say that the MoneyMaker is the best camera strap on the market.

Not only does this thing look like a million bucks, but it's also incredibly user-friendly.

By putting your cameras on the harness instead of flopping all over the place at the end of a shoulder strap, you have your gear right at your fingertips for quick shots.

What's more, your gear moves with you as you move, so you don't have to worry about it clanking into your chest or sides.

Instead, it's on the harness, attached safely and securely but still allowed a little freedom of movement so you feel like you have the ability to move better as well.

They're built like a tank, too...

The MoneyMaker is made to last a lifetime from materials that are strong, durable, and look great, too.

That includes Water Buffalo leather, American Bison leather, bridle leather, python skin or cotton canvas.

No matter which material you choose, you get something that you can trust to keep your gear safe while giving you a comfortable carrying experience at the same time.

Since it's a dual-strap system, the weight of your gear is distributed over a larger part of your body, meaning you can carry your gear for longer without getting fatigued.

And since it's a modular system, you can even carry many of Holdfast's camera bags, lens pouches, and other accessories right on the MoneyMaker as well.

In other words, these things aren't just a better way to carry your camera, they're a better way to carry all your gear! 

If you've already got yourself the basics - a camera, a couple of lenses, a tripod, a few filters, and so on - the next step is to outfit yourself with a means of carrying all that gear that makes sense.

For me, that means shopping for a Holdfast MoneyMaker. It's the best camera strap I've ever owned, and I'm sure that once you get your own, you'll agree with me wholeheartedly!

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