Tips & Tricks

Stunning Dragonfly & Damselfly pictures by 1x Photographers

Stunning Dragonfly & Damselfly pictures by 1x Photographers

1x Blog-Tips & Tricks
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by Editor Graham Daly

It is summer time here in the northern hemisphere and it is that time of year again where some of the world’s most beautiful winged insects (the Dragonfly & the Damselfly) start to appear and illuminate the lakes, marshes, bogs and rivers with their immense beauty and elegance.

I just love it when the summer time comes around here in Ireland and the temperature starts to rise which paves the way for the emergence of my personal favorite insects to photograph, namely the Dragonfly and the smaller Damselfly.

There are literally thousands of different species of both the Dragonfly and the Damselfly available all over the world at different times of the year but for those of us living in Ireland and the United Kingdom, May through September are the months of the year where we grab our Macro lenses and head outdoors to our favorite locations in order to chase after, spend time with and photograph these stunning creatures of nature.

One thing that always helps me to motivate myself to grab my gear and head out to capture these winged beauties is to admire other photographer’s images of these amazingly beautiful creatures and there are some truly excellent images available and on display within the 1x Community.

For those of you who love looking at and photographing these beautiful subjects, the following 30 images should be just the motivation you need to get yourself out and about with your camera gear and start capturing some stunning images of your own!

by Roberto Aldrovandi


by Massimo Tamajo


by Daan de Vos


by Roberto Marini


by Roberto Marini


by Igokur


by Fabien Bravin


by Syuwandi Sien


by Petar Sabol


by Luigi Chiriaco


by Petar Sabol


by Petar Sabol 


by Peter Reijners


by Daan de Vos


by Arjo van Dijk


by Michel Manzoni


by Edy Pamungkas


by Roberto Aldrovandi


by Syuwandi Sien


by Abdul Gapur Dayak


by Georgi Yordanov Georgiev


by Chirobocea Nicolae Fanurie


by Roberto Aldrovandi 


by Roberto Aldrovandi


by Rob Li 
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