
New Startup Allows Users to Hire a Rent-a-Goon to Follow Them Around With a Gun

New Startup Allows Users to Hire a Rent-a-Goon to Follow Them Around With a Gun

Buy-n-Shoot News

If you didn't already think we were hurdling toward a cyberpunk dystopia full of insane tech startups, a new security startup might convince you. The Apple App Store has recently welcomed Protector to its ranks, an on-demand security platform which allows users to hire armed guards and drivers with the touch of a button. The app is sleek and black, invoking the same minimal startup vibes as Uber or Vbro. With Protector, users, called "Protectees" can scroll through a selection of retired law enforcement and military contractors, which includes their name, photo, service background, and a brief bio. Once logging […]


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