
PPA and Copyright - Trust a Champion
PhotoBusinessFor many a professional photographer, the Professional Photographers of America is a trusted resource for education, support, and representation on all matters that matter to photographers. There are several trade associations, among them the NPPA, ASMP, and APA, and the PP of A stands shoulder to shoulder with them in working hard to affect change around the country and within the industry. Each tends to focus on one area where photographers need help, but all are working hard when it comes to protecting copyright for professional photographers.
A few weeks ago, the CEO of the PP of A, David Trust, wrote a great piece on "Why Congress Needs to Focus on Photographers", (Medium, 8/10/17) and it is a well reasoned presentation of the importance as to why photographers need help with protecting their intellectual property.
Trust notes that "...over 70% of photographers and visual artists will lose a month’s worth of income, or more, during their careers to copyright infringement..." and he highlights several examples of where photographers were the victims of the theft of their work or slandered and libeled, through no fault of their own. The article is very much worth a read.
With over 30,000 members of the PP of A, they represent a broad cross-section of members, and when people are wondering whether or not to re-up their membership in their various organizations, this article is a reminder that, while photographers are working hard at making great images and telling stories, whether it be the marriage of a bride and groom, a feature on a notable person, or the news of the day, leaders like David Trust are championing you and your business every day, often behind-the-scenes.
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A few weeks ago, the CEO of the PP of A, David Trust, wrote a great piece on "Why Congress Needs to Focus on Photographers", (Medium, 8/10/17) and it is a well reasoned presentation of the importance as to why photographers need help with protecting their intellectual property.
Trust notes that "...over 70% of photographers and visual artists will lose a month’s worth of income, or more, during their careers to copyright infringement..." and he highlights several examples of where photographers were the victims of the theft of their work or slandered and libeled, through no fault of their own. The article is very much worth a read.
With over 30,000 members of the PP of A, they represent a broad cross-section of members, and when people are wondering whether or not to re-up their membership in their various organizations, this article is a reminder that, while photographers are working hard at making great images and telling stories, whether it be the marriage of a bride and groom, a feature on a notable person, or the news of the day, leaders like David Trust are championing you and your business every day, often behind-the-scenes.
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