
The Zen of Photography

The Zen of Photography

Photography Talk

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For many photographers, the peaceful nature of photography gets lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Even when you do find the time to go shoot, it’s easy to feel rushed, flitting from one location to the next with hurried anticipation. There’s just too much else to do - the pressures of work, family obligations, and time just seem to follow you wherever we go.

But all those distractions can have a negative impact on the images you produce. The photos might be superficial and look as though they don’t capture the beauty of the scene. They may have a rushed vibe to them as well, almost like you stopped for mere seconds instead of spending the time to compose the perfect shot. Even the best subject matter can look and feel apathetic if you aren’t mindful of your surroundings.

It is for these reasons that you need to learn about the Zen of Photography!

What is the Zen of Photography?

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The Zen of Photography is a totally different approach to learning how to become a better photographer. You aren’t plopped down in a desk listening to a lecture or poring over a textbook. Instead, the Zen of Photography is the practice of cultivating a deep awareness of the surrounding environment, of connecting with it, and exploring all it has to offer. You learn how to see the elements in relationship to one another, and examine the qualities of light as it plays with nature, revealing some aspects, yet hiding others. You’re out there in nature, interacting with the environment, observing, and learning your way towards improved photography skills.

Why is the Zen of Photography Different?

What sets the Zen of Photography apart from other learning methods is that not only does it help you build the skills you need to take better photos, it helps you develop a better sense of self. You become more mindful of who you are as a creative artist and clarify your artistic vision, all the while learning to take a calmer, more relaxed approach to photography. There is no other method of learning photography like it!

Teaching the Zen of Photography

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The uniqueness of the Zen of Photography approach requires a special talent to maximize its effectiveness. Brian Ross is one such person. With 25 years of experience photographing everything from the gorgeous scenery of Hawaii to portraits of Nobel Laureates Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, Brian has the knowledge, aptitude, and genuineness required of a great teacher.

“Brian, in my opinion, is one of the who’s who, must-know people in the photography industry. He’s an absolutely genuine person.”  

Alex Schult - Founder/President,

Brian has shown his work in galleries across the nation, from the Broadway Gallery in New York City to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to Hui No’eau in Hawaii. But accolades aside, he’s a truly wonderful person, insightful teacher, and passionate photographer. For the better part of a decade, he has spent his time in Hawaii, exploring its natural wonders and using the medium of photography to help visitors develop a love of nature and the land while inspiring others to cultivate their unique artistic vision and develop their photographer’s eye.

Take Part in the Zen of Photography

You can learn about the Zen of Photography right now, at home, at your own convenience as part of Brian’s online workshop entitled Introducing Light. It’s a fantastic course that will take you on a creative journey to explore your world, discover the extraordinary, and cultivate your creativity. Weekly lessons get you interacting with the material in a way that will help you maximize the benefits of the course, which includes topics for photographers of all ability levels, from exploring light to developing your individual creative process.

Learn more about Brian Ross’ Zen of Photography Introducing Light online workshop and register today!

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