8 Great (and Affordable!) Gift Ideas for Photographers in 2022
DPmag Gear
Gift shopping is very difficult for photographers, because all the best toys retail for hundreds or thousands of dollars. So unless you’re a very generous gift giver, the latest and greatest photography equipment—the cameras, lenses, lights and bags—are largely out of reach. Thankfully there are still lots of great gift ideas–including those that can actually be used for photography–that won’t break the bank. In fact, these gift ideas for photographers are downright affordable. Okay, reasonably affordable. Especially in the aforementioned “camera gear is really expensive” context. To that end, here are eight great gift ideas for photographers. They include a lens, some light modifiers, and some items for education and inspiration. They are listed in order from most affordable to most expensive, but still the highest priced items won’t break the bank.
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