
Panasonic Apologizes After Finding 77 Products with Stock ‘Sample Photos’

Panasonic Apologizes After Finding 77 Products with Stock ‘Sample Photos’


Two wooden shelves each displaying three cameras. The upper shelf holds a green, red, and blue camera, while the lower shelf also holds a green, red, and blue camera. Each camera is marked with the "LUMIX" brand and is equipped with a large lens. A plant is partially visible on the left side.

After it was on the receiving end of immense online blowback in response to its use of stock photos as "samples" for its S9 camera, Panasonic launched an internal inquiry to find and remove any other such cases from its Japanese website.

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Terra Incognita

Terra Incognita

The Leica Camera Blog


Terra Incognita

Terra Incognita

Leica Camera Blog


Shopping For, and Shooting With, the Lens Behind the World’s Most Famous Photo
