
Photographer of the week: Massimo Della Latta
1x Blog ContestsMany members have already discovered the wonderful work of Massimo Della Latta. Street photography, reflection shots, minimal compositions, landscapes and seascapes: on every level he excels. Time to discover more about this successful photographer. Thanks to Yvette Depaepe for conducting the interview.
Since I'm retired, I can fully devote my time to my passion: photography.
In my “previous life” I worked as a bus driver and was lucky to meet a couple of friends who introduced me to this art.
The turning point was in 2009 when I discovered the beauty of minimalistic photography and the filter B +W ND 110.
I my opinion the composition, the story and the mood are all very important to the success of a good photograph.
The composition is certainly the frame in which one can work.
The story has to be seen by our own eyes and by the viewer.
The mood and emotions have to be in our hearts.
I was born and have always lived near the sea. This brought me initially to the main source of inspiration in my work and still does.
My very first picture published on 1x is still one of my personal all-time favorites.
Beside photography, my passion for traveling has broadened my horizons to other genres.
Not only the sea or the Tuscan landscapes inspire me but also street, mood, architecture and abstract have my highest interest.
Lately I started portraiture work. Portraits without special lighting or backgrounds were the result. The people I portrayed gave me permission to be photographed and I try to establish a relationship of trust so as not to be a mere stranger.
Unfortunately family reasons prevent me from being able to travel lately and this has led me to look at my city with different eyes. These photographs are the result of that:
I own two bodies, both Canons. A 5D Mark 3 and 80D purchased recently, with different Canon objectives, two tripods and two filters B + W ND 110.
Photographers are loners, armed with patience and good shoes. I have never had projects, I go out with the camera around my neck and I go looking for something, never knowing what. It can be a street, an abstract, an architecture shot or sometimes nothing. Many times I came home with an empty card. That did not stop me from going back.
In my short photographic career there are authors such as Michael Kenna, Jeffrey Lee, Massimo Vitali, Irene Kung, Nina Papiorek, Franco Fontana, and many others who are here on 1x, and others of the past such as Mario Giacomelli, Bresson, Doisneau, Basil , who have influenced my way of photographing.
Certainly Kenna and Nina, are those to whom I owe the most. I learned a lot from their photos, especially in the beginning.
1X provides me with the drive to improve myself.
I have goals to reach. The satisfaction of seeing that people love my work is already a great reward. And the fact that some of my photos are rewarded in competitions and published in various magazines, and not only in Italian ones.