
How to Handle Your Unhappy Client in 5 Easy Steps
Vandalay DesignMost freelance web designers dread the unhappy client. Yet, eventually most of us will have to face one. Maybe that's why there are so many posts out there about bad clients.
After all of your hard work and attempts to meet your client's demands, the last thing you want to hear is that the client isn't happy with the fruit of your hard work. You may even fear that the client won't pay you.
Is there anything you can do about an unhappy client?
Yes, as a matter of fact, there are some steps you should take when your client is unhappy. In this post, I share five steps that you can go through to find out whether you can "fix" your relationship with an unhappy client.
The post How to Handle Your Unhappy Client in 5 Easy Steps appeared first on Vandelay Design.