A theatre of forks and spoons
1x Blog-Photographers
We use them several times a day! We used them yesterday, we are using them today and we will use them tomorrow, without giving them any thought. We just use them, clean them and put them away in the cupboard, the nice ones as well as the ugly and the ordinary ones. We need them for cooking, for eating our meals and for... well, many other things. We automatically use them to take what we need. Although we can't imagine life without them, we don't give them any special attention. Anyway, we do never put them in the spotlight.
And yet, there are, as always, some people who thoroughly think about the use of these spoons and forks. How to arrange them into a wonderful composition, how to expose them as beautiful as possible, how to tell a story of forks and knives. Funnily enough the knives are almost always left out. I wonder why they don't touch the creative vein.
I am talking of course about photographers, who use their imagination, their sense of humour, their skills to show these utensils in all their splendour giving them a new meaning and a theatre of their own. Enjoy and have fun!
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