Victoria Woolley...
Monty Rakusen Photographers BlogVictoria Woolley
posted a really inspirational blog about macro photography and it got
me thinking and I dug out this image which was shot for The Silent Night
annual report around 1999. It was shot on Film, Velivia (?) 5X4 360mm
Sinar P1 on a big studio stand. The bellows extension was around a meter
and there were lots of extension poles! We used flash and tungsten
mixed. The items are those little brass breather inserts that go into
mattresses and we went on to shoot a whole series of small objects in a
similar way. The items are on glass with red colourama below lit with
red light. The exposure was so complex that we wrote shooting scripts
and it was conducted in a completely blacked out studio with only a
small light illuminating a timing clock. I can’t remember exactly how
this was shot but the script might have run. Start….1 flash, slide
front element back 10cms, 1 flash, slide front element back 5cms, expose
5 seconds. camera descends 20cms over 20 seconds, 1 flash, end. And so
forth. I would have spent days experimenting on shoots like this!