
New Work

New Work

The Art of Adventure - Bruce Percy

I have a new page on this very website titles ‘current’. I have uploaded eight new portfolios this week. They are a backlog of work created in 2023 and all of last year.

My reason for publishing them all at the same time, is that I wanted a very clean way of presenting them all together on the same webpage. I have written many times that I see my website as a sort of garden, a place where I collate, sort and tend my imagery. It is a dream factory for me, where I can allow myself to feel, notice and see evolution in what I do.

I notice patterns, themes, relationships, stylistic attachments that I have, certain motifs that I keep coming back to, or maybe the surfacing of new ones? Sometimes it’s just that I feel I’m noticing that the work is more relaxed, perhaps enjoying a return to more colour? A shift. A sense of something happening.

Regardless of internal thoughts and feelings, the fact is, it is nice to conclude an entire year. It allows me to feel ready for this one.


When it becomes a job

When it becomes a job

The Art of Adventure - Bruce Percy


Happy New Year

Happy New Year

The Art of Adventure - Bruce Percy




The Art of Adventure - Bruce Percy


Great care in the Execution

Great care in the Execution

The Art of Adventure - Bruce Percy


Applying sensibilities elsewhere

Applying sensibilities elsewhere

The Art of Adventure - Bruce Percy


Podcast Recording wherever I go

Podcast Recording wherever I go

The Art of Adventure - Bruce Percy