
New "Dust Bowl"
Bottle Bell Photography [Flickr]Ashley Lebedev posted a photo:
© Ashley Lebedev ™
It has been an era since I posted, guys!
Posted this a bit back on other social sites and forgot about my first and probably best stomping ground.
And the board continues... new "Dust Bowl"
Can't believe the board is already nearing 5 years in length.
And though Dust Bowl is a predominantly black & white collection, this is one of the very very very very few faded-in-color pieces that allow, I hope, the board to glean a bit more life, as I weave imagery of daily life in the events that continue to lead to the events of "Black Tuesday" and all that followed. I try not to choose the ones that end up in color and instead try to let them tell me. | This was shot on a blizzarding day under towering silos.
Dust Bowl has its first major feature in Black & White Magazine with a wonderfully in depth interview, this coming June. I was so pleased with the depth of the questions in the article. I had waited since 2011 to send this board into any magazine (or anywhere) because I wanted to find just the right place and moment and so I was so happy the first submission was accepted and the board won an award for it. The publication is part of that award and they have allowed me to really talk about the history that inspires this series, the land I grew up on, my inspirations around this particular storyline - where it comes from in me, my friendships with my models, the photographers of the time - in regards to artists covering the mostly decade long event, how I cast my models, shoot, the lighting, the future of Dust Bowl, etc etc etc.
It has revitalized my love for imagery and reminds me of the power of concept and inspiration in an artistic life.
Should be out on all major bookshelves, including that of Barnes & Noble - June(ish)
Feels really nice to be posting again.
In 2015, I ended up fighting for my life in a battle with Lyme's Disease + complications from that and I am grateful for the personal support in my coming back to my work which is still the heart of me, and being on the internet again, as I can. <3
Love to all, as always, duh & Happy 2016.
Ash x
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