New "Dust Bowl"
Bottle Bell Photography [Flickr]Ashley Lebedev posted a photo:
© Ashley Lebedev | Bottle Bell ™
I'm extremely excited to show you another one or two color images from this set & scene, photographed inside a staged, off grid cabin built in 1853. We shot at about midnight with the stars so incredibly bright under an open sky outside.
Thank you to the owner for allowing us 2 nights in there, one of which this was shot, before we wandered up to the third floor in the 3 room stacked farmhouse, to gather under hot covers & stones warmed on the basement's hearth.
Thank you to my love Eric, a native nebraskan and Dust Bowl descendent, for being so patient as my model (until he fell asleep just there ;)) & to Liz for the trust in me rearranging her generations old farmstead.
This is the only image I've ever shot for dust bowl, where the detail really loses so much of its luster when resizing. I will soon post a detail.
I want all of my work to be palpable, but in Dust Bowl, especially the color images. I want them to be like more honest glances at the characters.
Last note:
This set & scene mark my transition within this now 3 year long storyboard & how it's being told:
Since 2011, Dust Bowl has been a glance at the people, places & locations that led to the nation's legendary economic fall known as "Black Tuesday".
In the coming year, I intend to begin transitioning this storyboard from the pre-market-crash events of day-to-day life to all that occured on "Black Tuesday" as well as all that inevitably followed in the destitution and poverty of midwestern communities & the intimate toiling of so many families, this boy's included.
I have a few huge sets I'm exploring the how-to of in their coordination, that really drive what will be the second portion of it home.
This collection is about half completed as of my writing this.
There will still be gorgeous portraiture but let's get gritty.
Talk soon,
ashes, x
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