
New "Fable Hill"

New "Fable Hill"

Bottle Bell Photography [Flickr]

Ashley Lebedev posted a photo:

New "Fable Hill"

© Ashley Lebedev | Bottle Bell ™

New collection >> FABLE HILL!! (and its very first exterior) -- detail shot of the hidden owl can be viewed on my facebook fan, under the album of the same name (will link below)
There are three other pieces already within the storyboard & I'll have to check if I ever shared them over here, one of which is an owl named "Hazel" who I've decided to make this estate's official caretaker.
If you haven't yet seen, they are a nice visual narrative about where this story is headed & I will post them soon over here.

More about this new series:

Well, I am so happy to be back to this collection & I truly traveled the entire USA it seemed, to find a house worthy of the Victorian Manor that I saw representing this abandoned Victorian Estate & its story.

And though I've done magical storyboards before (as with Faerieland, for example) ....with this particular story, I just wanted a very different sort of magical aesthetic, evoking Victorian England & a ghostly atmosphere of rain & fog.

I wanted to have the entire story feel as though it's been lost to time, along the moors, way way out in the mist, where you might hear strange bumps in the night or creaking from an attic.

Think ghosts.
Echoes that sound like wind.
Horse hooves clickety clacking somewhere in the distance.

This is what Fable Hill will be & I'm excited to take on my 3rd storyboard.

Love you guys.
ashes, x

ps, For friends in Germany, I've a 10 piece feature on Faerieland in the February issue of "Pictures" magazine. I believe it's still on shelves. x

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