Patterns in Nature, Flock of Snow Geese, Middle Creek WMA Click on the image to view larger. Let's ...
Bryan CarnathanPatterns in Nature, Flock of Snow Geese, Middle Creek WMA
Click on the image to view larger. Let's talk about patterns and textures:
#SnowGeese #Geese #Bird #Birds #Flock #BirdPhotography #BirdPhoto #BirdsInFlight #Birding #Birdwatching #Waterfowl #MiddleCreekWildlifeManagementArea #MiddleCreek #Pennsylvania #PA #WMA #Canon #CanonUSA #5DsR #CanonEOS5DsR #Gitzo #Wimberley #Adorama #AdoramaPix #hqspbirds +HQSP Birds +Canon USA
Click on the image to view larger. Let's talk about patterns and textures:
#SnowGeese #Geese #Bird #Birds #Flock #BirdPhotography #BirdPhoto #BirdsInFlight #Birding #Birdwatching #Waterfowl #MiddleCreekWildlifeManagementArea #MiddleCreek #Pennsylvania #PA #WMA #Canon #CanonUSA #5DsR #CanonEOS5DsR #Gitzo #Wimberley #Adorama #AdoramaPix #hqspbirds +HQSP Birds +Canon USA