
I love this spot at Palacio de Valle for @instagram's #WHPlightandshadow. @dante.vincent recently posted a photo of the exterior of this ornate former home in Cienfuegos. It’s a mix of several styles & influences, including Spanish, Moorish, Gothic, R

I love this spot at Palacio de Valle for @instagram's #WHPlightandshadow. @dante.vincent recently posted a photo of the exterior of this ornate former home in Cienfuegos. It’s a mix of several styles & influences, including Spanish, Moorish, Gothic, R

Kirsten Alana-Photographers Instagram




Daniel Kennedy-Photographers Instagram


Life is never a ....

Life is never a ....

David Loftus Photographers Instagram


@jknappett just smoked morels ..

@jknappett just smoked morels ..

David Loftus Photographers Instagram


goodnight Irene, I'll see you in my dreams

goodnight Irene, I'll see you in my dreams

Anthony Danielle-Photographers Instagram