
Help on the road

Help on the road

Paul Indigo
Katelijne Van de Velde in her deli, Pasta Huys, a word play in Flemish, on "pasta house".
Katelijne came to our rescue when, starving after a long day photographing, we arrived in her shop just before closing time. Ahead of us that evening we had another shoot lined up, photographing a concert. There was nothing else open in the neighbourhood.

We thought we were going to go hungry that evening but Magda chatted to Katelijne and by the time I got back from fetching our car a lovely shrimp risotto dish and a glass of wine was waiting for us at the table. After a delicious meal we asked if we could make a portrait.

It’s lovely when you’re on the road and you meet people willing to go the extra mile, like the owner of the Pasta Huys who stayed open specially to accommodate two hungry photographers.

Till soon,

PS. If you're ever in Beernem, Belgium, drop in. You can visit her website here


New Faerieland! ~ "Sovereign"

New Faerieland! ~ "Sovereign"

Bottle Bell Photography [Flickr]