

Capa in Color
Hungarian photojournalist...

millennium-falcor: Capa in Color Hungarian photojournalist...

Lens Heroes

Rome, Italy, August, 1951. French model and actress Capucine, on a balcony.

Paris, France ca. 1952. Chicken outside restaurant Chez Anna.

Laos (Indochina). May, 1954. French soldier guarding royal palace, Luang Prabang.

Crewman aboard Cunard freighter, Atlantic Ocean, 1941

Ernest Hemingway with son Gregory in Sun Valley, Idaho, 1941

Zermatt, Switzerland, 1950. Skier sunbathing in front of the Matterhorn.

1943. British soldiers watching a boxing match on a troop ship traveling from England to North Africa.

Israel, 1949-1950

Morocco, 1949. Orson Wells on the set of The Black Rose.

Tunisia, 1943. The French Camel Corps, the Meharists, ride through the desert to head for battle. When they attack, the Meharists leave their camels two miles in the rear and creep up on foot.


Capa in Color

Hungarian photojournalist Robert Capa photographed five wars: the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, World War II, the First Arab-Israeli War, and the First Indochina War. These color photographs were shot between 1941 and 1954. 


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