
Day 2: Mykines

I've always loved puffins, but have never seen them up close — yesterday, we spent hours exploring the island of Mykines and its puffin colony, doing our best to not disturb these gorgeous birds in their nesting area. It was pretty much he

Day 2: Mykines I've always loved puffins, but have never seen them up close — yesterday, we spent hours exploring the island of Mykines and its puffin colony, doing our best to not disturb these gorgeous birds in their nesting area. It was pretty much he

Dan Rubin Photographers Instagram


Dark mood....

Dark mood....

David Loftus Photographers Instagram


Going for deep green immersion.

Going for deep green immersion.

Jane Samuels-Photographers Instagram


Cacti... Borough Mkt...

Cacti... Borough Mkt...

Daniel Kennedy-Photographers Instagram


Backlit evening light in Majorca

Backlit evening light in Majorca

David Loftus Photographers Instagram


made for walking - #strideby

made for walking - #strideby

Anthony Danielle-Photographers Instagram