
Morning Glory

Morning Glory

Steve McCurry Photographers Blog

There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free.
Don’t miss so many of them.
–  Jo Walton

q 046Kashmir

INDIA-10838Agra, India

DSC_1841, Myanmar/Burma, 2013, BURMA-10685. A woman reads a newspaper in her shop. Coffee_Book retouched_Sonny Fabbri 09/09/2015Burma

How sweet the morning air is!
See how that one little cloud floats like a
pink feather from some gigantic flamingo.
How small we feel with our petty ambitions and strivings in the
presence of the great elemental forces of nature.
– Arthur Conan Doyle

01353_07, Morocco; 03/1988. MOROCCO-10159NF. A view of a desert landscape in Morocco. retouched_Ekaterina Savtsova 12/11/2015Morocco

PAKISTAN-10032Breakfast tea being passed between cars on the railway in Pakistan

INDIA-10204Old Delhi Train Station, India 

What breaks in daybreak? Is it the night?
Is it the sun, cracked in two by the horizon
like an egg, spilling out light?

 – Margaret Atwood

AFGHN-10182Afghan man makes his early morning rounds

I’ll tell you how the sun rose,
A ribbon at a time.

The steeples swam in amethyst,
The news like squirrels ran.
 The hills untied their bonnets,
The bobolinks begun.
Then I said softly to myself,
That must have been the sun …
– Emily Dickinson

AFGHN-12813nsBamiyan Province, Afghanistan

Dawn was breaking over the horizon, shell pink and faintly gold…
–  J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

INDIA-10845Girl cooking morning meal, Uttarakhand, India

INDIA-10907Varanasi, India

KASHMIR-10100It’s early morning and the men know that it is vital to jostle for the
best spot from which to sell their wares on Dal Lake, Kashmir

BURMA-10147NFProcession of monks walk for their morning alms in Rangoon, Burma

THAILAND-10062Groundskeepers in Chiang-Mai, Thailand

YEMEN-10003Sanaa, Yemen

BURMA-10213NFA cat basks in the warmth of the morning sun, Burma


Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. 
Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.
–  Leonora Carrington


02071_10, Kashmir, 12/1998, KASHMIR-10207NF6. Sleeping dogs and a man. retouched_Sonny Fabbri 8/31/2015Srinagar, Kashmir

Young boy walks through barley fields near Kandze, Tibet, 2001, TIBET-1098NF MAX PRINT SIZE: 40X60 Young boy walks through fields near Kandze, Tibet, 2001. Pg 214, Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs. I photographed this young boy as he walked through barley fields near Kandze, Tibet. Barley is an important crop because it can be grown in the cold temperatures of the Tibetan plateau. It is an important food staple and can be both roasted and ground into flour. IG: I photographed this young boy as he walked through barley fields near Kandze, Tibet. Barley is an important crop because it can be grown in the cold temperatures of the Tibetan plateau. It is an important food staple and can be both roasted and ground into flour. NN11434334, MCS2001002K10198NF final print_HERMITAGE final print_milan final print_MACRO final print_Birmingham final print_Zurich Untold_book Stern Portfolio_Book retouched_Sonny Fabbri 06/18/2013Tibet

00178_05; 00136_02; Kandahar; Qandahar; Afghanistan; 1998; AFGHN-10002. Teeth-maker. With no public health service, Afghani teeth-makers can often be found plying their trade on street corners or in makeshift shops like this one in Kandahar. In the combination of the raised platform, the sign hanging from above and the blackened 'backdrop', McCurry captures a scene of surreal theatricality. "An Afghan dentist crafts a set of dentures in the old quarter of Qandahar. Few Afghans will visit a dentist in their lifetime. I had walked past this shop many days, and happened to meet him as he arrived at his shop at five thirty in the morning on his bicycle."- George Eastman House. Magnum Photos, NYC14801, MCS1998016 K001 Phaidon, In the Shadow of Mountains, Iconic Images, final book_iconic, iconic photographs With no public health service in Afghanistan, teeth-makers can often be found plying their trade on street corners or in makeshift shops like this one in Kandahar. In the combination of the raised platform, the sign hanging from above the blackened 'backdrop' McCurry captures a scene of surreal theatricality. In the Shadow of Mountains_Book Iconic_Book final print_Birmingham retouched_Sonny Fabbri 6/3/2015Kandahar, Afghanistan

_2SM7567; Hamer Tribe, Omo Valey, Ethiopia; 07/2012; ETHIOPIA-10114, MCS2012006G10114, NYC134417. A young woman goes to collect water. retouched_Sonny Fabbri 5/16/2013Ethiopia



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