
What is home?   Swipe through the whole set of photos and videos...

What is home?   Swipe through the whole set of photos and videos...

Peter Ruprecht Studios Blog

What is home?   Swipe through the whole set of photos and videos to see the story. Tell me your version in the comments!  Home is a word we all learn as a child with many meanings and connotations.  To go home, to feel at home, to have a home, to be at home, to be homeless, ET phone home.  HOME….an incredibly powerful word that can summon feelings of belonging, security and togetherness.  The hearth of the heart and emotions.   The center of ones existence.  The place where we return every day.  The place go back back to when we die.  All of these begin to approximate the sensations we feel when we utter the word HOME.
This year, for @burningman @shannonshiang and Bodhi (my son) and Laila (bodhis friend) and @lotti_dotti_da (our family friend) and myself participated in making a time capsule that represented #home. It was part of @gordonweiss #art project which is a form of a treasure hunt.  #Maps are given out in the form of stickers and handkerchiefs, to people out that the burn.  Those participants can go and look for the buried treasure in deep playa.  I don’t want to give away too many hints as to how to find it because it is a multiyear game.   When you find the treasure, you will find the time-capsules that have been created over the years as well as a log book.  Signing that logbook puts people into a small yearly group that manages to venture beyond their comfort zone into the elements and find the treasure.  They will receive the gratification of seeing artists expression for that year in the form of time capsules as well as the message, while also entering into a multi year scavenger hunt that may or may not bring them to the next stages of treasures.  It’s all a fun mystery.
This year I was also late delivering the piece to the playa so I had to go out there in the mid-day heat and dig it in myself with Gordon after all of the others were already placed.  Let’s just say that with this year’s heat, it was quite a feat
If you made it there at night and stood still long enough it would light up and spell home in the darkness for you. 
What’s home to you?

(at Burningman. Black Rock City)


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