
Approaching the familiar with a new eye
The Art of Adventure - Bruce PercyI’ve just update the website with some new portfolios, and to also round up the presentation of the main page, I’ve added in two portfolios that have been absent from the site for a few years as well.
I’ve been thinking and dreaming of making some new images of Eigg for a long while. I have not had time until the past year to revisit, and to make some new compositions.
I find it very interesting to consider the question :
“would I have made these shots 10 years ago?”
to which I know that I wouldn’t have.
All the experiences that I’ve had shooting in the black deserts of Iceland, the minimalist snow areas of the Fjallabak nature reserve of the Icelandic interior, and also Hokkaido, I see in these new images of Eigg. These places that have taught me, and where I have grown, have fed right into the way I chose to approach editing this work.
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You can never go back to where you once were. Well, you can, but you don’t go back the same old person you were back then. When you go back to old places, old friendships or relationships, you always bring with you the experiences you’ve gathered in the time you were absent.
Looking at my new images from Eigg, I’m reminded of something my dear friend Stephen Feinstein once said to me, whilst standing on the very beach that features in these photos:
“Bruce, you seem to make the same image, no matter where you go in the world”.
I know :-). It put a smile on my face and I told him “I’m going to take that as a compliment”, as I’m sure that is how it was intended. I believe what Steve was telling me was
“you manage to make the landscape your own”.
Which is the highest compliment I think I have ever received, for it is what I think we all aspire to do.