
On listening to yourself, and trusting it
The Art of Adventure - Bruce PercyI wish I could teach folks to listen to their own hearts and minds more, when it comes to creating art. It is such an intangible thing to pursue: artistic confidence.

Confidence does not imply aptitude to create great work. Neither is confidence the act of over compensating for one’s own abilities. Confidence is simply the act of being present, and having an accurate view of your abilities. Of knowing where your work needs to improve, and where its strengths and weaknesses lie. Confidence is the act of being able to try things without fear of worry, or of too much doubt. All artists doubt. All artists are human. All artists therefore have ups and downs.
Artistic confidence is the skill to have the convictions to follow through with what you want, and not to be swayed by what others are doing, or what others say.
I wish I could teach folks to listen to their own hearts and minds more. It is perhaps the no.1 skill we should work at developing.