
It's time to start living again
The Art of Adventure - Bruce PercySince returning back to my workshops and tours around eighteen months ago (first trip was to Iceland as they opened before anyone else did), I have noticed that the world is not back to normal yet.
This has been confirmed to me by being in touch with so many pre-covid workshop friends. Most are telling me they haven’t been anywhere yet. But not only that, for most, the camera has been sitting in their camera bag for three years now. This was confirmed to me this week when a good friend told me he was concerned about using his camera this October, because he has become so rusty.

I feel like we all went to sleep, and some of us are taking a long time to wake up from the sleep. I know in my own case it has taken me a good many months to get myself back up to speed with working on my trips. I still sort of feel that my body isn’t quite 100%. I have since come to the conclusion that shutting down a society for even just a short while, has long lasting effects on people’s lives. Emotional, spiritual, energy wise, and of course financial.
But for me, it’s the emotional and spiritual side that I’m noticing the most. Folks aspirations don’t seem to be there so much and many have settled into a confined life centred around home and working from home.
I would say: if you haven’t been out on a trip somewhere yet with your camera, then perhaps it’s time to think about even dusting it off and going somewhere in a weekend or two. Plan some time, plan a private trip.
Momentum has been lost, and I know all too well that when I lose momentum creatively speaking. It can take a bit of effort to get it rolling again.
If you still haven’t been anywhere yet, or taken your camera out of its bag in three years, that this post today will give you the impetus to change that. There are beautiful images waiting for us everywhere.