
Thought I should comment....
The Art of Adventure - Bruce PercyThe past few months since Michael Kenna published his exhibition dates, which featured a photo called ‘Percy’s Perspective’, I’ve been receiving many emails a day about it asking if the name of the image had any relation to myself.
Then yesterday, a piece appeared in the Guardian newspaper (Uk major tabloid), and Michael name checked me towards the end of the article. Again, I received a load of emails from folks telling me that Michael had name checked me.

I think it would be nice to give some context to this, and how it all came about.
If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will know that I have been a fan of Michael Kenna’s work since the late 80’s. He is one of my influences for sure. You just need to look at my work to see it. I have been called everything from plagiarist to fan boy, to unique. I think perhaps all three may apply in varying degrees, at different times, and on an image by image basis. I have no problem citing my influences and I owe Michael Kenna a terrific debt to showing me the way forward. I know my style of photography wouldn’t be what it is without him.
So consider that back in 2009, when I was just starting out as a photographer, I emailed him to ask for some advice regarding gallery representation, and I got a reply. The guy is so busy that you can try to email him, but most will receive nothing. So there I was reading an email from Michael one morning at the start of one of my workshops and he said ‘your work is very beautiful, congratulations’. (I should perhaps point out that from my dealings with Michael, he is extremely polite and above all else, highly encouraging).
Since that email in 2009, I have had a nice correspondence with him. He even wrote the introduction to my very first book. I’ve met him around three times, and on all occasions it was a lot of fun. The last time being in 2020 when he invited me to a Karaoke party he was having in Tokyo (he knew I was in town - I was surprised, and also quite stressed that I was invited to Karaoke, because I didn’t want to do the Karaoke, but felt that turning down the offer would be something I would regret).
The Karaoke was an excellent night.Despite my terrible singing, and not practicing as I had been instructed to do by Michael. Michael is a well practiced Karaoke singer and had prepared some Springsteen numbers which he did very well. His agent also did an amazing version of Bowies ‘China Girl’.
This brings me to the fact that I was in Japan because I run a yearly winter Hokkaido tour. This is where the connection to the photograph above comes in. I only went to Hokkaido because I was drawn there by Michael’s beautiful work. I share his guide, whom is extremely talented, and whom I know on a personal level now (even when he is not working, he cannot help but find nice locations). The tree above is one such location that Tsuyoshi found while I was with him back in December 2015.
I can’t really say it’s my find. But I guess I would maybe compromise and say that both Tsuyoshi and myself found it together. It is now one of my most favourite locations in Hokkaido. It is on private land, and it requires snow shoes to walk into. I take groups there every year if the snow conditions are good.
And so, even though Michael says I found the tree, I really only found it with my guide, because Michael was kind enough to give me his guide’s details way back in 2015.
I was very honoured that he chose to name the above photo after me. I should let you know that Michael Kenna is quite playful though, and I have had another image named after me. ‘Highland Bruce Tree’ from Torridon, Scotland. I had shown Michael around Torridon and Inverpolly / Assynt back in 2015. It has a similar ring to ‘Percy’s Perspective’ and should give you a bit more of an insight to his humour.
Had someone told me back in the late 80’s, that one day I would not only spend some time with Michael, but that I would also have a couple of images named after me, I would have said that it was very unlikely to happen. But it did happen, and photography seems to surprise me every now and then with where it takes me.
I’d like to finish by also saying that Michael’s gesture of titling the image after me is not only playful, but I think he likes to acknowledge any connections he makes through his photographic journey. He’s a nice fellow. The world is an exciting place for him, and you sense it when you’re around him. He’s done so well because he has followed his true passions. I remember him even saying that to me one time ‘if you follow what feels right, you can’t go wrong’. I’m delighted that I met, and also like one of my photographic mentors. I feel very lucky.
I also like his amazing Springsteen Karaoke impersonations. I really should practice some more. You never know when you will be invited….