
Selfoss, Iceland
The Art of Adventure - Bruce PercyThis September I made a lot of new work using Kodak’s E100 film. I have not worked on any of the images from this September trip, except today I scanned the image below to test if my film processing is up to scratch.

I’m still having problems with Velvia 50 banding issues. I am leaning towards thinking that the manufacturing of Velvia is no longer that tight and that the issues I am seeing in the films are actually not the processing, but the actual films themselves. My reason for saying this is I have just reviewed all 50+ Kodak E100 rolls I shot, and they are perfect. No banding whatsoever.
I will be away for a week on a personal photo trip, so I am going to take Kodak E100 and Velvia and make duplicate shots on both films. I think this will settle for me if it is Velvia that is no longer being made up to standard or not.