Which is the most suitable location for your shoot? A rural villa in Tuscany's countryside? A penthouse with an infinity pool? A historic residence?
Pachira will provide the best locations for your commercials, relying on three mainstays.
The first one is a solid team that knows how to work together using a specific workflow. That's the reason Pachira puts special effort into creating a pleasant atmosphere for its coworkers.
The second mainstay is having a database that constantly increases. Pachira has now reached the mark of 5,000 locations all over Italy. Thanks to that, Pachira can provide the best location and the best deals for more clients every day, such as Armani, Stanley Tucci, and Lamborghini.
Last but not least is the belief of Pachira's associates that with their job, they have to support the community while achieving the economic goal. That's why Pachira is a Benefit Corporation.