Tips & Tricks

New 1x Portfolio by Gert van den Bosch: Livestock in the spotlights
1x Blog-Tips & TricksThe 1x Portfolios are customized to make your photos look equally good, no matter if you are using a tablet, smartphone or computer. Of course, you can show any photos you want in your 1x Portfolio, no matter if they are published or not.
1x Portfolios are designed to present your photos as stylish as possible.
This unique service is as easy as possible to use. You can upload your photos straight from your device and customize the look of your portfolio. All in a matter of minutes.
If you want to create a 1x portfolio on your own, click here to get started.
Today, we present you the new 1x portfolio from Gert van den Bosch.
Gert van den Bosch his drawn by everything that lives on our planet, but it has to be equal or bigger than for example a White Stork. No macro or singing birds for him. Macro is too exhausting for a good job, and hours waiting in a tent for a decent shot from Wildlife is no option, because these spots are usually too far away and not reachable by car.
You can also say that everything that around a cattle farm has his attention. This means: The farmer and his job, the animals in their environment, the barn, the meadow, the mud pool. I even go into the mud pool with a wide-angle lens. The veterinarian is part of the farmers life. On location, in the surgery room and in the doctor's office. But also the furrier, the sheep shaver, the butcher, the slaughter.
Most of his pictures are made close to home. Gert tries to prove that is not necessarily needed to travel around the globe for a decent picture ;-)
If you like to read more about Gert van den Bosh click here for his interview.
To view his brand new 1x portfolio, click on the cover photo below and enjoy.
Remember that you can also use an iPad or smartphone when admiring the photos.
We hope that many of you will take advantage of this great service.
A fine reference to add in your “about”.
If you like your 1x Portfolio to be published on the magazine too, please send the link to
1x wishes you a lot of success.