Tips & Tricks

Humour in Photography
1x Blog-Tips & Tricksby Editor Yvette Depaepe
Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so goes our ideas of humour. Using photography to capture humour can be tricky. Some moments are here and then gone in an instant and a quick shutter finger is needed. Other times it can be a concept you have thought of for a while and finally want to express in the digital realm.
They say that laughter increases your lifespan. If that's true, you might want to try adding a little humour to your photographic repertoire.
It won't be an easy task. Humour is actually one of the more challenging photographic subjects. There aren't really any compositional rules or camera settings or filters you can use in your pursuit of that laugh-out-loud image. And photographic humour is different than cracking a joke or relating a funny story. It can be easy to overdo humour in a photograph - and overdone humour means that your viewer is more likely to roll the eyes than laugh out loud. Sometimes subtlety is the best course of action; sometimes in-your-face humour is the way to go. The choice will depend largely on the situation.
To bring you in the mood, some photographic jokes
* Photography: the only hobby where you can shoot people and cut their heads off without going to jail.
* Photographers are very mean. First they frame you, then they shoot you, then they hang you on the wall.
* Photographers are weird. They spend all their life chasing light only to waste it in the dark room.
* A group of artists are invited to dinner by a famous chef. In greeting the photographer, the chef comments: “I love your photos, they are wonderful, you must have a very expensive camera.” The photographer doesn't reply and walks into the dining room.
After dinner, the photographer approaches the chef and says: “Dinner was sensational, very exquisite flavours, a true work of art. You must have a very shophisticated stove!”
In the following galery, you will see some fine humouristic images by 1x photographers.
Some are street shots, some are instant shots, some are subtle, some conceptual, but all ment to make you smile. Enjoy...
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