Tips & Tricks

100 Things I’m Thankful For This Thanksgiving

100 Things I’m Thankful For This Thanksgiving

Lightroom Killer Tips

Today, in the US, is Thanksgiving Day, a day where we take the day off from work, surround ourselves with friends and family, eat ridiculous amounts of food, and watch football non-stop, only stopping long enough for another slice of pie. It’s just about a perfect day. I know what a blessed and charmed life I’ve led – I’m so aware of it and genuinely thankful for it every day. I’m also thankful I have this blog to put my feelings down on paper (well, in words, anyway), and today, I’m grateful I get to share 100 things I’m thankful for with you. I’m thankful…. 2. for the new Mastering feature in Logic Pro X (thank you, Apple!) 3. I found something that goes great with the yellow-capped EZ Cheese (the new Ritz Toasted Pita Oven-baked Crackers). A match made in heaven. 4. that we put up our Christmas tree a little too early (it’s already been up for a few days), and that we keep it up longer than we probably should. 5. for SNL re-runs (especially the ones we can stream from the night before on Sunday). 6. my wife’s amazing new “Lasagna Bowl” recipe, which is just insane! Top 5 dish! 7. that my son or daughter-in-law will just pop over at any given time for a visit. It makes my day.

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Lightroom Killer Tips